Thursday, December 29, 2011

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

you a nose picker?

So I am working on the pickers again,and super excited because Mike will be at the Nashville store on Friday. I have decided to give him acopy of the final illustration. If he doesn't dig it, maybe he'll just pretend to. Cross your fingers!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Walls Mock Up

This is how the Wall design is shaping up. I like it so far,but am Worried that it will be a little to far out of the box for my boss. Keeping fingers crossed and moving forward. If nothing else this has been really fun and very good time spent perfecting my skills with the cintiq. Now we're ready for some color up'n her!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

First Stage of Walls

Crazy excited about this project.  Obviously, this is the first stage, but I'm crossing my fingers that the big guy likes it. It will be the first time I get to incorporate a stylized form of art into a corporate project. The tanning industry is so fun.  I've decided that it will be on my bedroom wall if it ends up on the cutting room floor. The final stage will look like a rainbow threw-up and may even cause seizures.  sweeeeeeet. The idea was inspired by the amazing artist Eric van den Boom.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Realisticly hard

Commissioned painting for a friend. Used photoshop and painter,on the wacom new sleep depriving toy.
This was harder than I thought!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

You a picker?

Think I got 'em this time! gonna try and take it a bit further...

Swing Batta Batta..

Swing batta batta..  STRIKE!  Missed her.
This one frustrated me pretty good, spent several hours sketching her eyes and mouth and never really got her.
Oh well.. onward HO!  Yep, worked in "ho" for the shore's quidette.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Oooo. the sweet spot!

I FOUND it!  Oh yeah....The sweet spot, FINALLY!  I've been messin with my new Wacom Cintiq or 2 weeks now and I think I'm finally finding that perfect balance between the programs.  Photoshop for sketching, Illustrator for inking, and Painter for an endless selection of media for color.  
Now, I just need to work on my drawing skills.  Totally missed Emma Stone here, but for my first celebrity caricature in over 10 years, there is no tear in my beer.

Good bye watercolors, enjoy the trash can pencils!  Hello my beautiful Wacom! Get ready to be used and abused!